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Old 11-10-2007, 10:03 AM
wazz wazz is offline
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Default Re: the main problem with shortstackers that no one seems to mention

That's just silly. Firstly, the advantage goes to whoever adapts best to the presence of the shortstacker, which is inherently unfair because it is based on whoever is skilled at poker. Secondly, you can't call it unfair, it's just like the retarded argument on facebook that wearing sunglasses at the poker table is unfair because it gives them an advantage. It's not unfair because you can do it as well - so if you're in a situation where you're sandwiched between a full-stack and a shortstack, you're always allowed to get up from your seat and wait for a better one. If game conditions mean you're not in a profitable spot, you get up, and it's bad play from you if you continue to sit in that bad spot.
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