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Old 06-17-2007, 11:14 AM
DcifrThs DcifrThs is offline
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Default Re: Possible Facebook IPO: History reapeating itself?


it was a good thought, but i think you're sticking to your guns too strongly in the face of strong evidence against your initial hypothesis.

I can't predict the future but this story I've concoted does start to sound a bit like 1998 all over again.

[/ QUOTE ]

i think this is too strong a term.

i think more reasonably, P/E companies & VC companies have been awash with liquidity in the recent past and found some good business plans in which to invest some of that cash. myspace, facebook are the result of public contagion effects (luck) favoring the prepared (good business plans/company ideas w/ scalable businesses).

compare that to tons of compuglobalhypermeganets with no revenues, no business plan, no office, no employees, and no toilet paper going public week after week (hyperbole)

i think we are right now witnessing investor demand for tech companies that have caught the eye of good VCs & PE firms. the signs of a bubble just aren't there.

there are instances/occurances that could very quickly & harshly decimate the prices of risky assets, but none that i can think of trace their roots back to taking some tech companies public with not overly outlandish valuations.

can you provide evidence counter to my argument? feel free to critique my thoughts above and let me know if i've missed anything.

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