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Old 10-15-2007, 03:38 PM
Splendour Splendour is offline
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Default Re: Why does it matter if Hitler was atheist/Christian...??

Martin Bormann probably Hitler's closest confidante and secretary is suppose to have issued a secret memo that the Nazis intended to get rid of all churches.

An excerpt:

He reopened the fight against the Christian churches, declaring in a confidential memo to Gauleiters in 1942 that their power 'must absolutely and finally be broken'. Nazism, based as it was on a 'scientific' world-view, was completely incompatible with Christianity whose influence was regarded by Bormann as a serious obstacle to totalitarian rule.

Has this to say about Bormann:

He was a rabid fighter against the Christian churches, stating in a confidential 1942 memo that Nazism was incompatible with Christianity and the power of the churches "must absolutely and finally be broken."(5)
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