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Old 11-28-2007, 06:00 PM
rsigley rsigley is offline
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Default Re: Morez Biz Bodoz EZ Propz - I Haz Lockz

anyone have any opinions on this prop?

Bet On: Will News Corp. buy the professional social networking site LinkedIn by January 31, 2008?

News Corp. must purchase controlling share of LinkedIn for Yes to be graded the winner. Any wagers placed after outcome is public knowledge will be No Action. Max. $50.
Yes +150
No -200

It seems like the owner of LinkedIn wants more than his company is worth, but I think Murdoch is willing to overspend, especially since he got myspace for cheap and he just bought the dow jones, but profits are still dropping.

All the websites are saying they're in heavy talks for the past 2 days (went from rumors to confirmed an hour ago)

Murdoch now owns Wall St Journal and could integrate nicely with LinkedIn

I really think NewsCorp will end up buying it, unless the owner wants way too much (>5 billion)

The one negative is the owner said:

We’re excited about building this company,” said Nye. “It would take a helluva lot to get us off that path.” Does that mean $1 billion? “A lot more than that,” said Nye

but I think that was more to inflate the price.
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