Thread: boxing training
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Old 10-06-2007, 07:00 PM
turnipmonster turnipmonster is offline
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Default boxing training

this summer I started training at gleason's gym, which is a famous boxing gym in brooklyn. it's a great gym, very old school, and I work one on one with a trainer there. I took lessons with several guys before choosing a trainer, and noticed that everyone takes a very similar approach to boxing training.

from what I've experienced so far, this wikipedia article is a fairly accurate summary. my workout is something like:

- 4 rounds of jump rope
- 4 rounds of heavy bag
- 4 rounds of combinations/technique (trainer wears mitts)
- 3 rounds of footwork
- 3 rounds of speed bag an/or floor to ceiling bag

pushups/situps at the end, also sometimes weights, but I do roadwork and other weights outside of the boxing gym so I don't always do weights.

I find this type of workout fairly tough and very addictive, I have never enjoyed training for anything so much. I also find in interesting that everyone in my gym does almost everything in rounds, which wasn't obvious when I first went there to observe. I am obviously very aware of the bell now, but it's easy to miss if you aren't listening for it.

anyways, I was hoping this would generate some discussion from people who box/have boxed and maybe others could post their routines.

a few idosyncratic things my trainer has pointed out:

- I throw the ugliest right hook ever. the hook was the hardest punch for me to learn and I still have to work on it a lot.

- I have had an excellent left cross since day one (I fight southpaw)

- when I have told my friends I've been training, they almost always throw a right hook. the only exception is my wife, who faked a jab then threw an uppercut.
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