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Old 09-27-2007, 11:21 AM
StevieG StevieG is offline
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Default Bookmarklet to reveal all white text

Today I was reading this thread on "The King of Kong". Despite some initial flap, all of the posters did a really nice job of putting potential spoilers in white text.

This is great, but means I was constantly highlighting text to read posts.

So instead I came up with a bookmarklet that turns all white text into black text.

Here's how you can use it.

Copy this text into notepad or some other editor, and make it one long single line:

javascripti=document.getElementsByTagName("font" );
{if(pi.item(i).color=="white"){pi.item(i).color="b lack";}}

Create a new bookmark in your browser. Give it a name like "2+2 Reveal White Text" or something like that. Then for the location, copy all of the text (again, make sure it is a single line) and paste it in as the Location.

Then all you need to do is use the bookmark and any white text on the page, like this <font color="white">white text white text white text</font> will turn black.
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