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Old 05-01-2006, 11:24 AM
Shooternewt Shooternewt is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default Re: For fathers: remember when you first became a daddy?

Two kids, the first regular delivery, second was c-section. Both types of delivery are interesting in their own ways.

The good c-section story: I was in the operating room behind the curtain talking to my wife (curtain on midsection so wife cannot see herself being cut open). Her doctor, the one cutting her open, is talking to her assistant about where she is going that evening. She is going to her 3 year old daughter's friend's birthday party at Chucky Cheese.

This started a 3 way debate between me, the doctor and her assistant about which is better, Mr. Cheese or Peter Piper Pizza. We all agreed on PPP because they serve beer. My wife's reaction to this coversation was one of complete beliderment.

The conversation ended when daughter #2 appeared and I got a great sight of things that should not be decribed. Good times.
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