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Old 10-30-2007, 06:35 PM
CappyAA CappyAA is offline
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Default Re: Negotiating a New Car Price -- Your Stories.

Big TR has some good points in there.

I just recently bought a car 2 weeks ago and I used the fax attack method recommended by I strongly recommend this method.

The gist of it all is that you contact 8-10 dealerships around you and tell them that you are going to buy a car and that you'd like to communicate via fax. Make sure you talk to the manager and not some lowly salesman in the chain. After you speak with the manager and get their fax info, the packet fighting chance sends you includes a great template fax to send over them as well as all invoice prices, holdback, incentives, etc. Include this in your fax.

You will probably get responses from 5-6 dealers which will quote you a price. You can also use this by renegotiating with dealers (i.e. some dealers will beat other dealer's prices).

I bought an '08 Infiniti G37 Coupe fully loaded. The MSRP was about $44k and the invoice was $39k. I calculated using the car buying tips spreadsheet that a $41k offer would be good and fair. Well I got a $41k offer from one dealer and another brought that offer down to $40k. So the method got me $4000 under MSRP (~10%) on a model that just came out 2 months ago. The $40 I spent on the packet (which was like 50 pages worth of info) was well worth it.
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