Thread: StarsReads AHK
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Old 08-19-2007, 10:10 PM
1meandog4u 1meandog4u is offline
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Default Re: StarsReads AHK

Your right. I was trying not to step on Dave's creation. He did put a link in the other thread which had become thread drift. He's still shaking out a few final flaws, but here's the link...

Basically, it highlights the box around the player's name and allows you to change the color, as was seen in the previous message with the table capture. You can color code it much like FT, but it is much clearer. He mentioned some other options down the road, so patience will develop this into a handy tool which stands alone on it's own merits rather than being dependant on other software for information.

Footnote: It gets a little fussy with Vista and authorizations to run it. Once, as per Dave's suggestion, I put it under the "c:\users\public" directory, that released all the demands for authorization.
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