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Old 04-27-2007, 07:58 PM
sighing sighing is offline
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Default Re: LOTR: Return of the King (GAME THREAD)

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The forces of darkness had reclaimed the One Ring from the Fellowship that protected it, but they could not protect themselves from the armies arrayed against them. One by one, the evil ones fell, until at last only the traitor Denethor remained, but his heart was hidden from the members of the Fellowship.

However, when all the known villains had been slain, the skies remained dark, and there was unrest and unease in the armies of Gondor. What was left to do?

Finally, two young heroes, Eomer of Rohan and Denethor's own son Faramir, realized that Denethor himself had been brought under the spell of darkness through the ancient Palantir he kept hidden in his tower, and that Sauron's essence still lived on within him.

Taking swift action, they struck, and killed Denethor.

Village wins!

Thanks for playing through this whole trilogy. Hope you all liked the games.
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