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Old 11-18-2007, 03:46 PM
qwnu qwnu is offline
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Default Re: Why I Despise Bush\'s Presidency.....Rant...

Congress's low approval ratings are fairly well-understood. Everybody hates them, but for different reasons. Republicans hate them because the Democrats are in power. Democrats hate them because the Democratic leadership has failed to end the war and implement any substantive policy change after a full year of being in power, and have further caved in to administration demands at every possible opportunity.

Similarly, the administration's low approval ratings are apparently driven by two separate forces. Normal reasonable people are horrified by the prospect of endless wars of aggression, torture, secret prisons, lawless indefinite detention, illegal warrantless wiretapping, politicization of various departments and agencies, corruption, deficit spending, etc., etc.

But there seems to be a growing population of right-wingers (I hesitate to call them "conservatives"), as evidenced by Felix's rant, who are angry with the administration because they are insufficiently bloodthirsty and intolerant.

In other words, in the latest right track/wrong track poll, both Felix and I might be in the "wrong track" camp, but obviously for radically different reasons. Strange bedfellows, indeed.
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