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Old 03-12-2007, 05:24 PM
SplawnDarts SplawnDarts is offline
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Default Re: I Think It Might Be Time To Buy TASR

I think tasers have one major problem:

In jurisdictions where the populace either doesn't care, or has no say, re: the police killing people they're trying to subdue, there's no reason to bother with a taser. The cops just use guns because they're safer for the cop.

In places with a more sensitive populace and/or more public oversight of the police & government, the taser's reputation for killing will hurt its adoption regardless of the facts of the matter.

Expect some new low-lethality weapon to appear to get around this (possibly irrational) sensitivity. It's unlikely taser will be the company behind it as their name is now associated with the deaths.

The US military, of course, has learned their lessons in Iraq, and would rather just have a dead villain than one that has to be put in jail where they can cause continued trouble. It's likely most foreign armies have already learned that lesson, or learned it by proxy from us.
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