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Old 10-20-2007, 08:13 PM
Number27 Number27 is offline
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Default Re: AP thread 87.1 - waiting on the statement ITT

So as of right now AP's story is that a "consultant" of AP's was flying around the world (including Scott Tom's house) while using multiple people's accounts and hacking the AP system.

For this to be true:

1) The "consultant" has to be close enough to Absolute Poker to have the keys to Scott Tom's house.
2) He has to have enough money to easily get back and forth from Costa Rica/Miami/other places in a relatively short period of time.
3) By labeling him a consultant they are conveniently distancing the cheater from Absolute poker.
4) This cheater has given them a signed confession in less that 48 hours, presumably without legal representation since legal counsel would almost assuredly take longer to pore over all of this evidence before allowing a statement like this.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong; but wasn't User 343's IP address different than POTRIPPER's? What legal action is going to be taken against this mystery man? Assuming they know where he is (they have a notarized statement) why haven't they turned over this evidence to authorities.

I'll reserve the right to change my mind; but right now this looks like a fall guy.