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Old 11-29-2007, 07:12 PM
bozlax bozlax is offline
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Default Re: Blinds, damn blinds...

I remember that thread...I think it was Kwaz (I know, I could just click the link and look it up, but I like to test my recall) that put forth this idea. The problem I've always had with it is that the PT aggression factor is so strongly influenced by other factors that using it is excessively prone to exponential error.

Take, for instance, Player Tightie-Whitey: you've watched him play 100 hands...he's folded all but 18 of them preflop, including in the blinds, so his VPIP is around 14. Out of those 18 hands he's check/folded 14 on the flop, bet or raised 3 and folded the table, and called one after which he rasied the turn and his only opponent folded. His PAF is 4, meaning his aggression quotient or whatever you want to call it is 72! Is he aggressive, playing weak-tight at a weak-tight table, or playing at a LAGgy table that doesn't like tight players that won't go along with them so they aren't giving him any action?
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