Thread: Inducing bluffs
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Old 11-18-2007, 03:01 AM
SuperUberBob SuperUberBob is offline
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Default Re: Inducing bluffs

Inducing bluffs is a significant part of my game because I play a rather LAG style for a winning SH LHE player. I don't how much it specifically contributes to my win rate though.

Many times, I check behind with hands like middle pair on the turn after being the aggressor earlier in the hand with the intent to induce a river bluff. Because of that, I am able to call the river with that hand since the preceding action will increase their river bluffing frequency enough to make it a profitable call. Of course, there are other factors that determine whether I do this (opponent's style, tendencies, previous action, board texture etc). You would be amazed at how often I call with a hand like middle or bottom pair only to see my opponents turn up ace high, king high and busted draws at showdown.

For some players, it is hard to induce bluffs from their opponents because of their playing style. A TAG player might not be able to check to induce bluffs because opponents might fear the TAG check-raising them. If you're a calling station, then your opponents won't bluff because you won't fold.

Of course, I could be completely wrong. This is just my experience in past sessions.
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