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Old 11-08-2007, 06:03 PM
shadow. shadow. is offline
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Default Re: Don\'t come home until u is sobern! (NC Thread)

lame nl session last night. took an hour to get a game started and we played 4-handed most of the night. up 20 pounds in a 1-1 game though in 2.5 hours. of course, 12 pounds went to the cab ride home, 3 pounds to a beer, so 5 pounds in 2.5 hours. holla. i'm sure that im going to get hit hard by the deck one of the nights and kill.

i know that i'm going to start to sound like a broken record, but $50 on ftp to anyone who figures out how to get me connected to ftp. i'm behind a university firewall (uni brighton) that won't allow ftp to connect. a program called proxifier did work for a while, but it suddenly stopped working. ftp just says, connecting, trying to connect, and finally cannot connect to server.

proxifier gives out 10060 errors, which is a connection timeout error.

i have no access to other computers, so i can't run a vpn on an outside computer.

thanks for any help.

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