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Old 12-01-2007, 02:39 AM
mrick mrick is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 159
Default Re: Perfect example of why we need to actively fight Islamo-facism

This isn't an example of why we need to fight islamo-facism. If you want to make that argument, talk about Iran, Syria and Sudan's macro-policies, not local events.

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The profound ignorance of most advocates of war should not astonish. It's part and parcel of the way of thinking that leads one to advocate war as the solution for most problems.

FYI, dear sir, Syria is NOT a nation ruled by islamic law. FYI, Syria, exactly like Saddam Hussein's Iraq (ah, those were the days) has consistently and actively opposed muslim fundamentalism. The Ba'athist regime of Syria (as did the Ba'athist regime of Iraq - ah those were the days!) chased and kept in line its islamic fundamentalists.

Syria can be accused of many things but not "islamo-fascism".

Anyway, you're not supposed to know this -- and you don't. All is well in the world.
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