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Old 11-23-2007, 11:01 AM
LuckyLloyd LuckyLloyd is offline
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Default Re: KK, + dry pot + deepstack overcall

A couple things regarding betting the flop:

- Stacksize of villian is such that you can't continuation bet / fold;
- When a short stack is all in most players take a "lets check it down mentallity". If he fires at us on the turn or river he will never be bluffing.
- As such, if you check back this flop and bet a checked turn you will be in a great spot to take value off one pair hands you beat. Particularly BECAUSE you checked the flop back.

I really do not believe that checking this flop is all that bad. It is an odd situation where we almost never get bluffed off the best hand and he will play kinda faceup on the turn and river for us.

As for everything else; calling pre is fine. Min raising would be retarded obv.

You have to call the turn. I hate the river spot because you are getting a sick price - but I think it is a fold.
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