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Old 09-17-2007, 06:49 PM
pfapfap pfapfap is offline
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Default Re: Who makes more mistakes- short stack or big profit stack?

Interesting question, not sure about it at my games. I can think of players that make all sorts of mistakes at all levels. Unless I put in lipstick cams and review everything, I don't think I can really answer it. At the end of the night we have fewer big stacks than shorties or bustos, which implies shorties make more mistakes. But maybe the big stacks have made plenty of small mistaks.

I know for myself that I rarely lose a big stack once I get it. My chip stack is a black hole, a singularity of poker. However, I make a lot of mistakes on the road to getting it, generally viewing my first buyin as just warmin' up monies.

But I can certainly think of times I've tilted off a few short buys, and times I've gotten over-confident and donked off my big stack. I try not to repeat mistakes, but I can't speak for others in my game. There are so many variables here for every person, I don't know if this question really has an answer.

Overall, I think the big stacks in home games give better players a definite advantage. Short stacks become quickly committed with high variance hands, whereas large stacks can play more speculatively. I'm not talking game theory, I'm talking real-world application. Bad players will lose their chips, regardless of stack size.
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