Thread: Parents Packet
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Old 10-15-2007, 02:13 AM
orange orange is offline
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Default Re: Parents Packet

I've had the same problem you did. My parents HATED it when I first started. (came from super christian home, both parents despised gambling, etc). Plus they knew some people who gambled their lives away (I'm asian fwiw).

They didnt care about the money either. They didn't care that I was making more than most college students. All they cared about was the morality of this game.

Over the past year or two, they've grown to not care as much. Give it a little time but don't tell them the true details of this game. Don't tell them you just got stuck for 8k or something and then made it back. Just tell them you are doing well and that is the end of it.

They should grow to learn that you'll be okay and not gamble your life away (if you use proper BR management/etc). GL
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