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Old 11-30-2007, 11:05 PM
Moseley Moseley is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 394
Default Re: The immigration issue (YouTube Republican debate)

is there any discussion of reforming the path for legal citizenship?

Also, aside from security issues, is there truely any justifiable reason to dislike immigration? I ask people "Why should I want a random american whom i've never met have better opportunities than a random foreigner living in america whom i've never met?" I'm usually met with blank stares.

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You're just not genetically wired like most. For instance, most humans believe in a God, while those wired differently do not.
You probably do not have a "love for country" and deep appreciation of what our soldiers who died in WWII sacrificed.

There are many people like you. They do not see the U.S.A. as a country they love, but merely an opportunity. Their primary goal in life is to be a successful capitalist and giving to charity without self-benefit is looked upon by them with scorn.

Others are wired differently.

Your type of philosophy is what was needed in generals in the military during was easier for them to send a bunch of random Americans into a battle knowing half of them would not come out alive.
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