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Old 11-08-2007, 03:50 AM
thesnowman22 thesnowman22 is offline
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Default Re: Atheism Intelligence Correlations - The Strongest Argument for Atheism

This is such a dumb argument.

First of all, people who are "highly intellignet" are many times almost socially deficient and lack much common sense. Also, many people who are theists are highly intelligent.

If 80% of americans believe in a supreme being, that in itself almost guarantees that the reults are skewed.

Also, belief in some knd of supreme being is such a wide range- this covers Christians, Muslims, and thousands of other religous and non-religous people.

Also, the people who talk about how atheists are smarter are atheists, which obvioulsy is a bias.

I know I see countless people in our country who are succcessful, intelligent and also believe in God.

I look at many of our leaders and they are theists.

I have been around people in my life who are "more intelligent" than me as far as IQ (ok, thats not true- a few though), but I have never met one who is "smarter". The ability to use common sense, relate to people socially, understand others' point of view, and the ability to admit when you are wrong seem to be traits such "highly intellignet' people lack. I was in Academically gifted classes with a kid who was unreal smart, but ended up working at Mickey D's because he was so socially and common sense defecient.

If there is a God, and i believe their is, I'm guessing he really doesnt care how smart u think u are.

And the bottom line here, as ive said before, is that none of us really know. We can believe all we want, but by the time we find out the truth, it will be too late.

The difference is, if Im wrong I dont lose anything.
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