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Old 11-20-2007, 04:07 AM
Wes64 Wes64 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Dallas
Posts: 17
Default Running it twice

I play in mid-stakes live games in which running it twice (or 3 or 4 times) is popular. I have settled on the following approach and would like corrections/comments. It seems to me that the best approach is to agree to run it twice against weak players and to only run it once against strong players. My reasoning is as follows.

Stong players are more likely to bet or raise based on fold equity and will want to run it twice, hoping to bail out to a chop if they get called. You don't want them doing that against you, so make them know they will not get to run it twice if they are called.

Weak players like to run it twice because it sounds cool and they see it on TV. You want these players to enjoy playing with you, so if a decision has EV=0 and they want to do it, let them.

The down side o this strategy is that the strong players will see what you are doing and not run it twice with you when you make a big semi-bluff and get called.

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