Thread: AA vs tight guy
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Old 09-14-2007, 09:47 AM
tommo tommo is offline
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Default Re: AA vs tight guy

why is everybody responding to every thread with shove flop? In this case that seems bad to me.

I think that this line gets the most out of KQ,KJ...most people would've raised those out of the button though.

A standard range for him at this point would be a lot of air (air thats not likely to have picked up anything warranting sd value), some straight draws that didn't get there, and some weak kings.

If we knew he had air I like a weak lead or check.

if we knew he had a straight draw (likely with a pair of 9s now). I like a bet large enough to make him realize his hand isn't good but small enough to make him think he can bluff us.

If we knew he had a weak king I like a large bet. This way he will think he is ahead of our bluffs and behind our big hands and opt to call instead of shoving (where our big hands call and bluffs fold).

So I don't know, you're best guess as to what kind of range he has and what kinds of moves he is capable of. Against a kind of weak tighty I'd probably bet like half pot and fold to a raise.
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