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Old 12-01-2007, 06:01 AM
MidGe MidGe is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Shame on you, Blackwater!
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Default Re: Could We Have Won Vietnam?

It doesnt matter whether it was deliberate or not. Citizens are at risk in a war, period. It isn't terrorism when it is carried out by uniformed soldiers in the context of a war.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, it is not terrorism when the USA secretly bombs a country, say Cambodia, and because the bombing is secret and they are not supposed to be there, the rules of engagement in force in Vietnam, are ignored? [The reason being that since they are not there, officially, they are not bounds by the rules].

You guys are totally nuts and don't have the beginning of an understanding as to why the US is so unpopular world-wide, with the exception of a few puppet regimes propped up by the US, although even that seems to be failing more and more.
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