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Old 09-14-2007, 12:46 PM
BigPoppa BigPoppa is offline
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Default Re: Where should I spend the Winter?

I talked to a couple ticket discounters yesterday.

First stop involved me explaining to a Turkish woman in broken German that I wanted prices to Bangkok, Sydney, and Buenos Aires. Hilarity ensues.

2nd stop went better. Can get reasonable flight to BA on a six month return that would get me to the States for my niece's HS graduation. About the same price gets me to Australia, but doesn't route through the US (so no free trip home). Thailand is the cheapest, but comes out about same as BA if I want to end up in America.

Could've gotten an insanely cheap ticket to Isla de Magarita Venezuela if I'd wanted to leave today (guy specializes in last minute fares). He also was pushing Cuba pretty hard (he has a gf there and loves the country), but I'm looking for a place to settle in for a bit and be fairly comfortable. If I really wanted adventure, he had trips to a wildlife park in Kenya even cheaper than Oz or Argentina (and I've always wanted to try one of those Kenya-Cape Town overland trips).

So many choices.
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