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Old 11-15-2007, 01:37 PM
Lakai Lakai is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 2
Default Re: Massive self destructive tendencies. Need advice

dude i dont have much advice but i just wanted to say i totally understand how you feel about all the yelling and destroying. not that i destroy things but whenever i played online, i did do a lot of yelling when some crazy bad beats occurred. thing is, for people like you and me, i dont think online poker is the answer. there is so much going on in online poker that those bad beats and bad streaks are inevitable. i suggest you stick to live poker. i banned myself from online poker because of all those emotions i felt sitting behind a computer. in a live game, i never show that i'm upset because that's not the kind of person i am in real person. but when you're alone behind a computer, you let yourself loose because you can and no one will see it. so my advice to you, try playing live because i feel your pain and the online bad beats will keep happening. plus there are less bad beats in a live game i think. not many fish to the river if you make the right plays. trust me. they all have this sense of pride not to be considered a fish but behind a computer no one really cares.
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