Thread: Pancreatitis
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Old 07-18-2007, 10:23 AM
AJFenix AJFenix is offline
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Default Re: Pancreatitis

Best wishes on your recovery. On a side note, beset brought it to my attention that the tone in the Omaha High forum might be a bit too much. He claims that threads get dominated by trash-talking between 3 or 4 posters, and even though they are good posters things have gone downhill in general. He said he doesnt expect me to fix it but that people are messaging him complaining , given that he used to be mod there. He says there are some people in those threads daily that could maybe smooth things out as mod.

Although some of the threads will have bickering within them, the OP's are on topic and post hands they want input on, and input is what they receive. Sometimes that input will have some berating and bickering attached and it may derail the thread to an extent and some ppl may feel it takes away from the forum, but this is somewhat common in any strat forum, although maybe moreso in PLO. I think the forum is far from in crisis, but I could be wrong. What are your opinions on it?
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