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Old 10-09-2007, 12:46 PM
Aloysius Aloysius is offline
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Default Re: Do all guys go through the \"chase is more fun\" stage?

You're 24, relax.

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I am not like super excitedly anxious about it. I am just curious when people snapped out of this stage essentially. I am doing other super adult things, and still am in my partying stage in other aspects.

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I think it's difficult (as with most things) to broadly generalize on this - but I'd say most guys get "sick of the hunt" ~30'ish and are more consciously looking to get married. At least with my peer group. Drivers are knowing yourself and what you want out of a wife (I think this tends to occur around 30 - by then most people have had at least a couple serious relationships), being financially stable, having banged enough chicks etc. etc.

The 2 things that standout so far in this thread, imo are 1) "the grass is always greener", very true; 2) as Adsman alluded to, most guys are more attractive to women in their 30s then in their 20s, at least in my experience. Something to consider.

I'm 31 and I'd say it's about 50/50 single/married or LTR for my guy friends. With women it's more like 30/70. (Though my sample is primarily ambitious, career-driven, very educated people, I imagine the percentages are more skewed towards "married / LTR" in general so YMMV on this.)

There are no hard and fast rules on this so, you know, if you meet the perfect woman when you're 27, see no reason not to go for it. Though agree with Quids - on average my friends who got married in their 30s seem to be much more confident / happy with their decision vs. friends who got married in their 20s.

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