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Old 10-15-2007, 01:53 AM
keepitreal keepitreal is offline
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Default Re: Friday Night Lights Season 2

really enjoyed your thougths demon and agree here and there but at the same time...the other side:

-disjointed-its inevitable with the main? character in another part of the state...the season hasnt really started and isnt much the focus so once this happens it should be easier to join stories.

-parody of greatness-what pudge said (although i do think mrs coach has seemed a little off of what i would expect of someone in her situation) and julie is a friggin hs girl. if you are trying to tell me her excuse for breaking up with matt didnt feel right, i'd say thats about as perfect a break up as you could create to capture hs girls.

-stable characters-i agree i want more street. but i think what we're seeing with coach will pay off. and it was mentioned earlier but saracen is acting like he is the 3rd string QB on the worst team in texas...but we're still seeing a lot of him.

-absurd storyline-yea, its absurd.

-plot vehicles-yes a lot of the plot is diluted and seriously lacking. the first two episodes have reminded me of the start of season two of heroes in that (like you said) everything is so spread out we dont get enough of anything in an hour. and as a result, rather than depth, we get the crap we're getting.

-camerawork-do u fold AA pre cuz you're a nit =). i cant comment because i barely noticed a difference (i also havent seen an ep of season one in forever).

-dialogue-ties back to the non interlocking web of stories that doesnt seem to be working. less time for each character=no chance to deliver the right lines cuz we only see people for a moment (street to mrs coach i was like WTF).

-themes-all that you crave isnt likely to come in the first two episodes. we're just starting these season two arcs and i bet all you crave comes in time as a result of the sloppiness we're witnessing.

-absence of texas sky-interesting point...probably a chance to fit in an extra 30-60 seconds of the dialogue you hate. always looking for extra time...which is why so many intros/themes are so short nowadays with even more advertising.

a lot of your separate points are actually so heavily related and all can (will?) be fixed if the season starts and becomes enough of a focus to better connect these characters.

all that being said, not much from riggins' bro (except handing the ring to tim), waverly (who i think some FNL writer/director said "they broke up"), the little kid and his hot mom, etc, etc.

i think you were a little harsh and quick to hate (if you still feel this way by episode 6 or i'll be just as pissed as you are now).
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