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Old 11-04-2007, 02:19 AM
WutRUTryin2Hit WutRUTryin2Hit is offline
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Default Re: Worst acts of banroll management you have ever seen....

Ha wow, crazy story, was it you? It reminds me of a story a friend of mine on UB told me a coupla years ago with Prahlad and this guy (i'll call him Rob) we both played with occasionallu in our low stakes games... This guy Rob for some reason sat with his whole bankroll (penny omaha player) which was somehow like $1000-ish, at a 10-25nl table that Prahlad was at, and was trash talking Prahlad and stuff, for what reason I don't know, but telling him he sucked and whatever. So this friend of mine goes to this Rob guy's other table (he is playing 2 playchip tables) and goads him into sitting in and playing, saying "I'll tell you what to do in each hand!"... it somehow works and results in this guy sitting and playing (I think 6 handed) with Prahlad and other players with his whole bankroll, while STILL playing his 2 playchip tables, and I guess my friend keeps telling him to checkraise all-in on a bunch of flops. One funny thing is that Rob is actually typing in what hands he has in the chat at the playchip tables so that my friend knows what he has. Anyway over 10 minutes or something he builds up a few hundred bucks, and finally checkraises all-in on like 99x flop with JJ, Prahlad calls with QQ and busts his roll.
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