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Old 10-30-2007, 06:25 PM
KStV KStV is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Shortstack Canyon
Posts: 74
Default Re: Professional Poker player looking for Assistant

My friend and I/

The pay would be on par with the service....../

I will not require your services every single week i will let you know in advance when your services will be needed./

i wont treat you like an employee just a friend who helps me out.

[/ QUOTE ]

The gender, age, appearance and tax conditions range from probably illegal to illegal, but my hunch is that OP knows it and doesn't care.

The market will tell OP whether his $$ range is right, and by the number and nature of responses, it looks like it is.

I think I understand what OP wants and how he wants it to work, so I quoted a few of the problematic passages to offer my unsolicited $0.02:

--I can see a fight over who our young lass is working for (you or your friend), particularly if either of you is an a-hole.

--I know you don't want this to be a hassle. Query whether it would make your life easier or harder to have to barter on a weekly basis with our little cupcake over exactly what she did and what how much it was worth.

--I see a potential here for you lending this girl money within 4 months. You need her to be sane, somewhat solvent and totally ok with the uncertainty of whether or not she will have $$ coming from you in a given week.

--As mentioned above, you open yourself up to a ton of potential liability as an employer/principal. She will be deemed your employee/agent for most purposes. I could list all the terrible things that could go wrong that you would be on the hook for; they are the kinds of things that never happen, but royally suck when they do.

**A poll with pics and summaries of the candidates would be the absolute stone cold mortal nuts.
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