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Old 08-14-2007, 10:20 AM
Peter666 Peter666 is offline
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Default Re: I Really Disliked The Bourne Ultimatum

I agree with everything said above and would like to offer this advice to the director: STOP MOVING THE [censored] CAMERA!!!

Most shots lasted a second or two and were in constant motion. I felt more nauseous during this movie than the "Blair Witch Project." This effect can be useful when used selectively, like the opening of "Saving Private Ryan," but is overwhelming for a full two hours.

The whole thing was like a mediocre episode of 24 without the plot twists. The characters were nothing but well dressed automatons. The chase scenes lacked excitement and interest due to characters we don't care about.

The writing consisted of stock phrases like: "Keep your eye on him people; We can't lose him now people; I didn't sign up for this." But don't worry, we can all feel good because the secret government operatives will be prosecuted by the geniuses who gave them their authority in the first place. Also, Julia Stiles is ugly.

One of the local papers here gave the movie 5 out of 5 and called it the best action picture of the last few decades. Morons. "Hot Fuzz" which was out just a few months ago was superior.

I rather enjoyed the first two Bourne movies for what they were, but the near universal praise of this film confirms the lack of aesthetic taste or qualifications of most critics.
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