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Old 11-19-2007, 08:54 PM
WuTank WuTank is offline
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Default Re: free will and god poll

poor englisch, me german yada yada yada.

Of course we cant discuss without a defenition of free will, and I think for the purpose of our discussion here the only valid point we have to focus on is determinism.
If there is a omnipotent God every thing is determined and therfore that,what we with our limited consciousness call will, is just a causal consequence of god.

But if you have a naturalistic viewpoint on the world, as I do, without god and all his projection of hope, even the word determinism is made up by man.
Even the thinking complex about free will is made up by man, yeah I am talking about "Cogito ergo sum" and actually about the whole philosophy of Sartre.
Its late here and I would love to go into detail, but I lack an adequate vocabulary in english to discribe my thinking process, but to give an short summary:
Only the fact that we live let,us define ourself.And Defenition ist acutally everything what free will is about, we create images of reality and, in progress ,try to develop an proper image that is in the end identical to the world.And than we are able to get from the bigger picture in our heads to the real world, which we only experience through our senses.
Even though this is more about subjectivism (spelling please), it still leads me to the conclusion, that we humans first of all trie to make an proper copy of our the world in our heads which is influenced just by our senses and this picture only leads all our action.
So we define ourself and even more the world we are living in, whether this is determined in our genes or not is for us unable to answer, because, after all the fact whether we have free will or not doesnt influence our life at all.

Ya spelling is bad, grammer worse and I guess my thinking process lacks in koherent junctions but again its late yada yada yada.
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