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Old 11-28-2007, 11:42 AM
Bedreviter Bedreviter is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 456
Default Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

Building democracy in the Arab world is probably not acheived by letting Israel be left defenseless, as it is surruounded by less than friendly neighbors.

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You again:
The reason why Israel is so strong militarily is strongly related to the military and economic help it receives from the US.

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So by giving them all that military and economic aid, they are no longer defenseless. In fact, they are the most powerful state in the Middle East. So why again must we continue to help defend their interests?

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Thier strength is based upon prior help and also the expected future help from the US. A lot of the aid that goes to Israel is used to buy American military equipment, and Israel and the US are cooperating strongly on the research and development of weapons so its not like the US is not getting anything out of it themselves. The approximatly 3b$ the US gives to Israel annualy cannot be counted solely as a loss, as the US get back from ISrael buying American equipment and the advantages of having a close partner to cooperate with in the the development of newer systems.
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