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Old 11-27-2007, 06:22 PM
TomCollins TomCollins is offline
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Default Re: Why Im no longer an ACist


1) Acists love to talk about how goverments coerce us into doing stuff we dont like, however they dont like it that much when somebody points out that there really isnt much freedom is youre born in a poor family get an horrible informal and formal education and you are never able to develop any significant skill you are preety much screwed , its basically work on something you hate or die, yes I know youre not dying because a moral agent is stabbing you but ure still dying, the problems are not going to go away because theyre not made by a moral agent. Society as a whole has to make the desition wheter its worth to increase “the coercion done by moral agents” in order to decrease the negative impact of “ the coercion not done by moral agents”, I cant really show my calculations but I can intuitively recognize that perhaps the ideal amount of coercion isnt 0, its called common sense.

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This is a very well made and interestingly put point.

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It's called the No True Scotsman fallacy.


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Not sure how that applies?

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valenzeula: ACists believe don't believe in freedom
ACists: Yes they do, they do not support coersion on someone.
valenzeula: Well, by true freedom, I mean the freedom to not be hungry and live forever.

He is twisting the definition of freedom beyond what is accepted and implied.
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