Thread: Too fancy?
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Old 11-30-2007, 09:08 PM
dsaxton dsaxton is offline
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Default Re: Too fancy?

Sometimes when I am playing, I look at mine and my opponent's boards, think of how I would play certain hands that I don't have, and then make a play that is consistent with that type of holding (provided it doesn't expect to lose money compared to the straightforward play) hoping to induce a mistake from my opponent at some point during the hand. This serves an immediate goal of making more money on the current hand, while also discouraging readability in future hands. Regardless, sometimes this approach doesn't work out and I end up out thinking myself and making bad plays. I think this was one of those situations.

In this case, when my opponent made open 4's, I expected that he had made jacks up and would bet, since he should expect me to lead 6th whenever I have any better hand. In hindsight a lot of players will check behind either fearing I have trips (despite the dead 8) or because they can't even beat my board. So, I think I should have bet.
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