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Old 11-23-2007, 10:31 AM
Fishwhenican Fishwhenican is offline
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Default Re: Post if your wife is pregnant

I have a question, and I apologize if it's been asked in this thread...I skimmed through and didn't see it, but yah...

So, we started Lamaze classes and the whole "I'm actually going to be a dad" thing is starting to hit me like a ton of bricks. As excited as I am, I am also scared spitless. Just looking for a little reassurance that this is normal and that it's gonna be OK. I've talked about my concerns with my wife, but I don't think I've let on just how much I'm shaken to the core with the thought of being directly responsible for a human life.

Specifically, more tips/trip reports of actually being in the delivery room would be awesome (I think this is the part that freaks me out the most), as well as what to expect in the first couple of weeks/months after bringing new baby home.

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Being scared, especially with the first child, is pretty normal. Nothing to worry about. It is a huge change and if a person wasn't at least a little scared, well that wouldn't be normal.

As far as being in the delivery room. It has been almost 12 years since I was last in a delivery room but it was really an interesting experience each time I was there. First time (with my ex-wife) we ended up doing a c-section and that was pretty interesting. It was scheduled (breech) and very fast. Next two times was pretty normal. Only thing that was a bit wierd was that we wanted to film the births and my Sister in law was supposed to film and she didn't make it to either one. So, I was busy filming during the births. If I had my choice I would much rather someone else have filmed so I could just pay attention to the birthing thing and being with my wife.

One thing I suggest is to use drugs!!! Wife had a spinal and it was really quite plesant. We talked and played card and such while whe was in labor and none of that screaming and calling the husband terrible names and all of that whole ragged out thing you see in the movies.

Hardest part I remember was actually knowing when she was in labor. I remember several false alarms and actually being in the delivery room just to get sent home when contractions stopped. But, at least where we were, the nurses helped out so much that there wasn't much as far as suprises go. Delivery room nurses are worth their weight in gold, maybe more.

In the beginning, be ready for living on very little sleep. Months of sleep deprivation and worry about the baby sleeping and breathing correctly or not. Soon enough the child starts sleeping through the night and life gets better.

That said, I have not found that the worrying stops. My daughter is 16 and driving and it scares the hell out of me. This is just one example of how it never stops. There are far too many ways a parent worries to list them all.

So, being scared is normal but don't worry, enjoy things and hang on for the ride.
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