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Old 11-22-2007, 01:25 AM
Skallagrim Skallagrim is offline
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Default Re: WTO\'s impotence???? Serious question

You have jumped the gun. We are waiting to see what the WTO will order.

It is inherent in the WTO to try and encourage "agreement." That takes time. So does the bureauracracy of any International organization.

But this dispute will ultimately mean a lot. Either the WTO wimps out, and the rest of the world loses faith in the WTO because it has no teeth and wont rile the US. Or the WTO imposes sanctions really significant, in which case even the Bush administration will have to take notice - the US is the prime economic beneficiary of the WTO system, if it falls apart there will be real US repercussions.

We should know by the end of January, is that right Jay?

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