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Old 03-15-2007, 08:39 PM
NT! NT! is offline
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Default Re: less about retards more about politics

RR, i think the thing with ACists is that a lot of them basically regurgitate talking points and people don't have a response to them. if someone just regurgitates something like 'freedom isn't free, LDO' or 'bush lied, they died,' people have heard it before and know how to respond to it. when you keep saying, 'taxation: you put a gun to my head and took my money,' a lot of people don't really have a good response to that, so they keep doing it.

the real problem with that argument is that it's not substantive. i propose that part of being a constructive politics poster is proposing real solutions to immediate problems, even if you are radical to the point that your 'ideal' world is a total fantasy. ACists are basically in a position of permanent criticism and antagonism but most don't address nuts-and-bolts issues because it's supposedly beneath them or something.

debating theory is well and good, but if you're not able to engage existing problems or discuss reality in a constructive manner, you're not a very valuable poster.
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