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Old 04-29-2007, 02:37 AM
TonyLA TonyLA is offline
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Default Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table

This is my personal fav from a $500 restricted buy-in NL game -

It involved a player I was in a pot with who turned a straight flush against my A-high flush on a Jc7h10hJh5c board - he managed to keep the pot as small as possible (driven in part by his oscar winning performance after the turn), leaving a significant amount of money on the table.

When I saw his hand, I commented half-joking, half-serious that it's completely inexcusable that I had any money left after that hand.

He responded in a totally serious tone - "I didn't want to bet out more because I was afraid you'd fold quads."


On a high hand jackpot table no less - if I had quads, we would have split a $100,000 jackpot (quads beaten).

The entire table was in hysterics after that comment. Good times.

- T
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