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Old 10-21-2007, 06:47 PM
Xibalba Xibalba is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 74
Default Re: AP thread 872.6 - Statement ITT

So, basically this was a Wire season.
First 3 eps, we learn the case.
Next 8, it's investigated.
Next 2, it seems as though we're getting a happy ending.
Season finale, a reminder of how the world is a gargantuan pos but at least one or two of the bad guys will be punished, or mildly inconvenienced at the least.

Regardless, I wonder. Should this stop here? What I mean is, the "good" that has come from this is enough to not risk anymore by pushing the issue further? Or should the hounds salivating the destruction of AP be satisfied?

I seriously doubt AP will resurface as a completely clean company, proved (or, more accurately, insinuated) by how they don't want to prosecute because of the dirt the perpetrators may have on them. Playing there is out of the question for most of the people informed on the situation. But, does this "finale" ensure (or minimize as much as possible) the likelyhood of this happening again?