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Old 03-19-2007, 11:59 PM
George Rice George Rice is offline
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Default Re: Are There Any Atheists Who Believe in Rushes?

This is sort of where I was going in the other thread.

Most who believe in astrology probably also believe in God.

I'm more agnostic than atheist, but I've personally have had experiences with precognition.

Once I envisioned a 7-card stud poker hand while playing in a stud tourney in Resorts many years ago. It involved being dealt a three-flush with an ace door card and playing the hand like a pair of aces catching certain cards, but backing into a flush and winning the hand leaving my opponents shaking their heads. I went through this whole process in my head, every bet, every street, etc. A short time later this hand was dealt to me and played out exactly as I envisioned.

On another occasion I was backing out of my driveway. This was unusual, as I always backed into the driveway, so I could pull straight out. But this time was different. As I was backing out I looked to see if it was clear and I was, so I started backing out. Something made me stop and check again, and I justified it to myself thinking that someone may be going by in a wheelchair and was blocked by a hedge. I looked carefully and sure enough, someone was going by in a wheelchair! After he passed I started backing again but stopped again thinking that someone may be coming the other way in a wheelchair. I looked again and sure enough, someone else was coming the other way in a wheelchair! I always assumed that I must have seen one of these guys in the corner of my eye while getting in my car, but it only registered in my sub-conscience.

The weirdest one was one time I was driving on a highway and got off at an exit. I was driving up the ramp and onto the service road. I approached an intersection where the light was green. There was a building on the right that prevented me from seeing any traffic approaching from the right side. As I approached the intersection I inexplicably stepped on the brake somewhat hard and came to a complete stop before entering the intersection with the green light. Just as I stopped, a car came through the intersection from the right at a high rate of speed and blew through his red light. There would have been no way to avoid a collision if I had gone through the intersection like I normally did with a green light a thousand times before. I have no idea why I stopped at that green light.

You don't have to me smart to be an atheist, so I sure some of them believe in rushes.

Psychics are another matter. Seems similar to believing in God.

I don't know much about Scientology.

By the way, "devout" atheists are just as kooky as devout religious people. I saw some meeting or conference on TV once about atheists and they all seemed kind of weird.
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