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Old 11-30-2007, 06:40 AM
Saikkonen Saikkonen is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 214
Default Re: Optimum bluffing frequency question

This talk about bluffingtheory in TOP is not supposed to be some kind of DIRECT tool, but more an INdirect tool to helps one mind how often to bluff in marginal situations. This is game theory and it also assumes that your opponent knows gametheory. One of the points that can be drawn from TOP is actually if u have an average bluffingfrequency about 10% then when the pot is bigger than 9 bets you should bluff and if it is less you should not. But of course there is a lot of other factors to consider as f.ex. how often does your opponent thinks you bluff. A fish doesn't consider folding at all and he assumes u bluff 100% of the time - against this type of player forget about bluffingfrequency.
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