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Old 09-07-2007, 10:33 AM
CORed CORed is offline
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Default Re: How to detect malware

we use maids who clean our house when we are not there. my computer was used today when no one was home so presumably it was one of the maids. i have no other reason to suspect someone put anything on my computer but wonder if there's an easy way to detect any recent program load.

thanks -


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Most likely the maid just checked her email, played solitaire or something. If you set your screensaver to require a password after it quits and set a reasonable time out for it to start -- 10 minutes or less -- you will greatly reduce the chance of random people screwing around with the computer. Don't get me wrong: Anybody with physical access can get into it if they really want to and know what they are doing, but if they knew how, they probably wouldn't be working as maids.
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