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Old 03-24-2006, 07:16 PM
lennytheduck lennytheduck is offline
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Default Re: I have papers to write but who cares...ask me questions about LOST

I love the show as well and I'll ask several questions if you don't mind.

They're all dead right? I think they sealed the deal with that by having Lock walk after been paralized and the man Jack was jogging with inside the stadium saying, "See you in the next life." during a flashback scene. Or perhaps are the writers now changing the stroy around to suit another ending because they did not believe the public would catch on so quickly?

Although the show is still interesting it has reached a certain point in terms of momentum IMO, do you think the show will continue to "linger around ideas" for a long period of time and then resolve everything in the final few episodes, perhaps years down the line?

Which important character will die next?


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I think that they are in some sort of purgatory. But then there are things have come up recently that seems to refute this idea. The Oceanic Airlines mobile in the place where Claire is taken in order to have her baby really threw me for a loop. It brings in the possibility that the LOSTies were brought there intentionally/for a reason.

Still, I think some of the dialogue makes it pretty easy to perceive that they are dead. In addition to the line you mentioned, Jack gave a pretty profound one during the first season in one of the first episodes. He is talking to Kate on the beach and says something along the lines of "We all died a few days ago. We're all starting over." It's like everyone who had a good heart but made bad decisions in their lives have a chance to redeem themselves on the island.

It's hard to say when things are really going to be resolved because I don't know how long the show is going to go on. I've heard (read) people say something like 7 years, but that would be pretty difficult, especially with some of the actors and actresses growing in scope and the location where the show is shot. I would expect to get some real answers before season 2 comes to a close.

I think Ana Lucia will die next.
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