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Old 12-26-2006, 12:27 AM
wingchunflush wingchunflush is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Posts: 992
Default posting hands and no responses = even worse play

I know that alot of my hands seem to explain themselves to alot of players but I wouldnt be posting them if I didnt have questions, even if the response is no idiot dont do that thats better than nothing at all. The majority of my posts go unanswered and its a little irritating, I am trying to get better here just like everyone else. Maybe I should be spending more time thinking up clever titles to my posts and finding more interesting hands that I dont have questions about and less time playing poker.
I am not trying to step on anyones toes and I really appreciate it when my posts do get feedback. So to the people who are responding even when it is a noob question, thank you.