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Old 11-28-2007, 05:24 PM
ohead ohead is offline
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Default Re: Man kills 2 People While 911 Is Telling Him Not To


He could just have stayed in his house and he would've avoided this situation, therefor his action was completely unnecessary .

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Would it then not be murder if the old man went outside unarmed and the thugs shanked him and killed him?

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Of course it would be murder, what does this have to do with anything? He put himself in eventual dangers way.

ohead - How do you know the man wasn't threatened in some manner by the criminals? You seem kind of prejudiced.

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uhm he went out there with the intention to kill the burglars, thats what I call premeditated murder.
People planning to commit murder generally don't call the police first. Maybe he was leveling 911.

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He could just have stayed in his house and he would've avoided this situation, therefor his action was completely unnecessary [ QUOTE ]

LOL crimeaments. For you, what is the threshold for stopping the criminals? What do they have to be doing in order for you to confront them? Put yourself in this guy's shoes where you have a gun and the police aren't going to get there in time.

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This guy apparently didn't have all his marbles since he says clearly that he's gonna kill them first to the 911 guy.

And the threshold is if there is people in the house who are in danger.