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Old 11-18-2007, 10:30 PM
qdmcg qdmcg is offline
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Default Re: Timothy Ferriss and the Four Hour Work Week


Props for the new "staking" business.

Question: Have you thought about whats going to happen when someone wins big and doesn't send money? ie, how this would effect profitability and making this venture worthwhile? Obviously you've had success so far, but, even with some screening, there's no way 100% of people are sending back final table money (imo, would love to be shown wrong).

Also, if this continued to grow do you think Stars would have a problem with a good % of the tournament's player pool being backed by one individual (wrt soft play, collusion, etc.)?

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These are good questions. I wish I had an intelligent answer for you. I do not. I don't have the faintest idea what would happen if somebody stiffed me for $100k. I also dont really know or care what Stars is going to think. IMO those are both good problems to have. A) one of my horses wins the million and b) im backing enough players for stars to have to take notice. These are good problems. I'll cross those bridges when I come to them. For right now, I really don't care if its +EV or not. Its profitable and i can control exactly how much im willing to lose and there is 0 chance i'll go into the red now, so its a freeroll. Its just something fun to do on Sundays instead of getting my own ass busted up, I can stake people and hope they run better than me. Its also a very cool way to practice TF on a very micro scale. I have two assistants lined up for next week and one guy building a website/tracking system for us...and all of them saying they'll help for free because they like the idea. Sounds good to me. Regardless of how it goes, its just practice for me...if it fails, these are all skills i can apply to lots of other things.

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ty for response, and I look forward to tracking your progress. Good luck with it!
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