Thread: Average SMP IQ.
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Old 11-26-2007, 08:50 PM
Aver-aging Aver-aging is offline
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Default Re: Average SMP IQ.


The Marshmallow Test?

*tosses a marshmallow in a fire*

Look Billy, a roasted marshmallow! Go get it!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sure there is an official name to the test that slipped my mind, but the test is incredibly basic. You perform it usually with a group of children under the age of seven or eight, and it consists of offering each child a simple ultimatum: You can have one marshmallow now or you can wait ten minutes and have two - but you have to sit here and wait patiently while other people around you eat their marshmallows if they went for the first choice. According to Daniel Goleman, the follow-up studies indicated that the children who waited for the two marshmallows grew up were generally more successful (higher income, better jobs, complete family life, etc.). The test was actually a much stronger indicator of success-oriented attributes than aptitude tests.

Although I do like your idea. Natural selection needs a kick every now and then.
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